Deleting a table v15

You can remove rows from a table using the DELETE command. For example, the following sequence of commands shows the before and after results of deleting all employees in department 20.

SELECT ename, deptno FROM emp;
ename  | deptno
 SMITH  |     20
 ALLEN  |     30
 WARD   |     30
 JONES  |     20
 MARTIN |     30
 BLAKE  |     30
 CLARK  |     10
 SCOTT  |     20
 KING   |     10
 TURNER |     30
 ADAMS  |     20
 JAMES  |     30
 FORD   |     20
 MILLER |     10
(14 rows)
DELETE FROM emp WHERE deptno = 20;

SELECT ename, deptno FROM emp;
ename  | deptno
 ALLEN  |     30
 WARD   |     30
 MARTIN |     30
 BLAKE  |     30
 CLARK  |     10
 KING   |     10
 TURNER |     30
 JAMES  |     30
 MILLER |     10
(9 rows)

Be careful when giving a DELETE command without a WHERE clause such as the following:

DELETE FROM tablename;

This statement removes all rows from the given table, leaving it completely empty. The system doesn't request confirmation before doing this.

export const _frontmatter = {"title":"Deleting a table","description":"Provides an example of how to delete a table","legacyRedirectsGenerated":["/edb-docs/d/edb-postgres-advanced-server/user-guides/database-compatibility-for-oracle-developers-guide/9.6/Database_Compatibility_for_Oracle_Developers_Guide_v9.6.1.017.html","/edb-docs/d/edb-postgres-advanced-server/user-guides/database-compatibility-for-oracle-developers-guide/9.5/Database_Compatibility_for_Oracle_Developers_Guide.1.017.html"],"redirects":["/epas/latest/epas_compat_ora_dev_guide/02_sql_tutorial/08_deletions/"]}